Friday, January 23, 2009

Store a good exec plan with OUTLINES

Main article:
Metalink Doc ID: 463288.1

ALTER SESSION SET create_stored_outlines=TRUE; -- will make each executed SQL saved in the outlines

CREATE ANY OUTLINE -- privilege is needed for storing the outlines

Use CREATE OUTLINE statement or DBMS_OUTLN package.

: in my case DBMS_OUTLN.CREATE_OUTLINE only worked from under user SYS
select sql_text, sql_id, plan_hash_value, HASH_VALUE, CHILD_NUMBER from v$sql where sql_text like '&sqltext';
alter session set create_stored_outlines = true; -- <- to workaround a bug, fixed in
exec dbms_outln.CREATE_OUTLINE(1850253776,0,'XXX_OUTLINES');

to check your outlines:
select name,owner,category,sql_text,used,enabled from dba_outlines;
if used column shows 'UNUSED', then check that:

Note: a huge drawback is that use_stored_outlines is not a spfile parameter. It can only be set by running ALTER SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM command.

To set the parameter forever a startup trigger must be created:
create or replace trigger enable_outlines_trig
after startup on database
execute immediate('alter system set use_stored_outlines=XXX_OUTLINES');

How to Transfer Stored Outlines from One Database to Another (9i and above):
exp system/ file=myoutln.dmp tables=(outln.ol$,outln.ol$hints,outln.ol$nodes) query="where category='MYCAT'" statistics=none
imp system/ file=myoutln.dmp full=y ignore=y

Thursday, January 8, 2009

datapump filter data

To filter out certain data from exported tables you can use the QUERY parameter of datapump.

Which is basically a WHERE clause of your query. So you can filter out certain rows by using table columns in your filter. But if you need to use a JOIN and a SUBQUERY in your WHERE clause, then it won't work. Because datapump is setting an alias for your main table, so you cannot reference it in your WHERE clause by it's name. In the alias for the table is KU$. So you need to use that when referencing your original table and then it will work just fine.

eg parameters might look like this:
include=TABLE:"LIKE 'table1'"
query="WHERE exists (select * from table2 where KU$ and'xyz')"