Monday, April 2, 2007

Oracle OLEDB connection string

this one's from oracle's own documentation

"Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;User ID=user;Password=pwd;Data Source=constr;"

other paramters include

CacheType - specifies the type of cache used to store the rowset data on the client.
ChunkSize - specifies the size of LONG or LONG RAW column data stored in the provider's cache.
DistribTX - enables or disables distributed transaction enlistment capability.FetchSize - specifies the size of the fetch array in rows.
OSAuthent - specifies whether OS Authentication will be used when connecting to an Oracle database.
PLSQLRSet - enables or disables the return of a rowset from PL/SQL stored procedures. PwdChgDlg - enables or disables displaying the password change dialog box when the password expires.
OLEDB.NET - enables or disables compatibility with OLE DB .NET Data Provider. See "OLE DB .NET Data Provider Compatibility".

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