Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Import/Export, Datapump

DataPump is new to 10g. It replaces the old exp and imp utilities, which operated as clients. Datapump works on server side thus gaining access to the data directly, which dramatically increases export/import operations performance.

DP is called from the command line (expdp and impdp) or trough the DBMS_DATAPUMP package.

Note: You need to have a EXP_FULL_DATABASE role is you want to export schema other than yours.
Note: You also need the exp_full_database role if you want the user definition and grants to be included in the export. Otherwise you will only have the schema objects.

Possible export types using EXPDP
full = y | Exports full database
schema = [schema_list] | If omitted then connected user's schema will be exported
tablespace = [tablespace_list] | Exports all object belonging to a tablespace along with dependant object even if they are from a different tablespace
table = [table_list]

Other parameters
content = metadata_only | data_only | default ALL
directory = dir | Oracle DIRECTORY object, found in DBA_DIRECTORIES. User must have the read/write rights for the DIR
dumpfile = dir:filename, ... | dir is again Oracle DIRECTORY
logfile = dir:filename
filesize = n [G|M|K] | Sets the maximum size of each dump file.
parallel=degree | In case
network_link = db_link | Makes possible to use remote database as export source

To initiate export using the DBMS_DATAPUMP you have to do a little bit of programming:

The script would look something like this:
--1st step
h1 := DBMS_DATAPUMP.OPEN (operation => 'EXPORT' ... so on)
--2nd step
DBMS_DATAPUMP.ADD_FILE ( ... --add the log file
--3rd step
DBMS_DATAPUMP.ADD_FILE (... --add the dump file
--4th step
DBMS_DATAPUMP.METADATA_FILTER (... --filter out not needed stuff
--5th step
DBMS_DATAPUMP.START_JOB ( handle => h1 ... -- from the open call
--6th step
DBMS_DATAPUMP.DETACH (handle => h1 ... --detach from the job
You can then monitor the job through DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS or USER_DATAPUMP_JOBS view or by looking inside the log file.

You can also perform these activities from the dbconsole interface. Log in into database control and go to Maintenance section. Locate the "Export to files" link, complete the wizard.

Importing using the impdp utility

You have mostly the same options as for the expdp.
Different parameters:

sqlfile = dir:file | Specifies a file to write the DDL statements to.
network_link = db_link | Importing froma live database! A very nice feature.
reuse_datafiles= Y|N | Specifies if the datafiles should be overwritten.
remap_dataile = source:target | Specifies how the datafiles should be renamed
remap_schema = source:target
remap_tablespace = source:target
include = object_list
exclude = object_list

include paramter usage example:
impdp scott/tiger full=y ... include=PROCEDURE:"LIKE SMTHNG%"
This will import only the procedure object which names start with "SMTHNG"

Import using the DBMS_DATAPUMP is done in a similar way to export.

And of course you can run import from EM.

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